
Dr Tina Allton - 11 Keys to Outstanding Leadership

NOW Woman Talks

Leadership lessons from some of the world's most iconic leaders. They share various stories from their own lives as leaders and provides today's leade...

This week is Christmas week, and I want to talk to us about the keys to outstanding leadership.  I believe that you can always learn something from experience, you can always learn something from an event or anything that happens. 

This week I've been reading a book by one of my mentors, John C. Maxwell, and it talks about "heads you win, tails you win". It starts off by looking at a leader called David, he led with the integrity of his heart, which is a pure heart, and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.

And therefore it means that if you think of that as a two-sided coin. You need both sides to make the coin. And it's the same thing when it comes to being a leader, you need to have integrity and skill. So integrity and competence, you cannot have one without the other. You can't be a person of great integrity and have very little competency or skill as a leader.

Likewise, you can't be really well-skilled or competent leader and have no integrity. I think we can tell a leader who has integrity and a leader who does not have integrity. So every leader needs both. You need to have a heart that is full of integrity as well as the skill, art, and competency that it takes in order to lead. If you don't have either of these, it's more or less the recipe for failure.

So here are 11 Keys that would really help you to be a leader of excellence. And it's designed to help you develop your leadership skills, your leadership competencies if you will. 

So the first thing that we must consider as leaders even as we are winding down this year and looking ahead towards 2023, I want you to think about this,

1. Value excellence.

2. Do not settle for average - its the quickest way to self-sabotage

3. pay attention to the detail - the process is important

4. Stay focused - Remain committed to what really matters 

5. Display integrity and sound ethics

6. Show genuine respect for others

7. Go the second mile. - Learn to stretch and extend yourself.

8. Demonstrating consistency.

9. Always give 100% - Do your very best

10. Don't stop improving yourself - When you stop growing you die

11. Make excellence your lifestyle

Which of these keys stands out most to you? I've given you eleven keys here, as you think about your leadership in 2022 and as you're looking forward to 2023, be a leader that values excellence. Don't settle for average. Pay attention to detail. Remain committed to what really matters. Display integrity and sound ethics. Show genuine respect for others. Go the second mile. Demonstrate consistency. Never ever, ever stop improving, always give your 100%. and in addition to underpinning all of this, the greatest foundation and key you can have as a leader is to make excellence your lifestyle. 

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